Below is a list of urban places and parks near Smoke Signals Barcelona. But first, can I smoke there? Spain is leading the EU with their regulation of consuming weed in private settings. What is not permitted is possession or consumption of cannabis in public areas of Barcelona. Don’t worry.. you’re not a criminal smoking weed in public when in Barcelona, they just expect you to be discreet and respectful. When caught you can expect a fine or/and they toss away your marijuana. We advise you to join us in the smoke club while we share a puff or two.
Arc de Triomf

Only a 5 minute walk away, click here for the route from Smoke Signals to the Arc de Triomf. You thought you’ve seen the Arc de Triomf in Paris? Well think again, Barcelona has one too! This monument is actually the entrance to the park behind when they build it in 1888. It has become one of the city’s most iconic landmarks. It’s a great place to practice your skate skills, bike around or just sit back and relax while enjoying the street artist that surrounds the Arc. Did you know it is only a 8 minute walk from our Cannabis club? There is also a good wok restaurant next to the arc if it’s munchies o´clock.
Parc de la Ciutadella

Walking through the Arc de Triomf you will see the entrance of Parc de la Ciutadella. Click here for the route to the city park. Enjoy some of the african beats, sail a rowing boat or just have a smoke underneath a palm tree. This is the main park of the city and gets a bit busy during summer. Beware of people trying to sell you stuff. Aways remember there is probably a supermarket or your cannabis store near by, its much cheaper to go there 😉
Parc de l’Estació del Nord

MACBA – El Raval

Maybe one of the bests spots to have a smoke in Barcelona is at MACBA whilst practicing your skating skills or just enjoying the pro’s doing their magic. No need to hide your marijuana, unless you don’t want to share ;). MACBA is located in the neighbourhood called Raval, following a side street where you will find Rambla de Raval, seems a bit like the Rambla we all know but less touristy. Rambla de Raval had a recent reconstruction and became a lot better. You will find many record stores and second hand clothing shops here. Check here the route from Smoke Signals cannabis club to Raval.
Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and is not legal or health advice, nor does it promote or condone the consumption of cannabis.